What child could forget to greet his mother on her special day? As the whole Christian world celebrates the birth of Blessed Mary, the Mother of God and mine, in her honor, I'm posting the choicest images that I have of her, to the background of these words from today's liturgy:
Famulis tuis, quaesumus, Domine,
coelesti gratiae munus impertire:
ut, quibus beatae Virginis partus exstitit salutis exordium;
Nativitatis ejus votiva solemnitas,
pacis tribuat incrementum
Bestow upon Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
the gift of Thy heavenly grace:
that as the childbearing of the Blessed Virgin was the beginning of our salvation,
so the solemn feast of her Nativity
may bring us an increase of peace.

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