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“I prayed, and prudence was given me; I
pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me…yet all the good things came to me
in her company, and countless riches in her hands”.
words of the First Reading, taken from the book of Wisdom, brings to mind the episode
in the book of Kings, when Solomon succeeded his father David, and had asked
the Lord not for possessions, wealth and honor, but rather for the wisdom and
knowledge in order to rule (cf. 2 Chr 1:11). Solomon’s petition is granted, and
all of the rest that he had not asked for himself was granted besides. Wisdom is a deep understanding of the true
nature of things. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit, who probes the depths of God
and penetrates all things. Normally we could say that a person is wise,
that he possesses wisdom, but scriptural tradition also mentions that she
possesses the wise man. Whatever the case, wisdom, which comes as a perfect
gift from on high, is something that allows us to see the true worth of things,
and thus allows us to order our life’s search for the things that really
matter. It distinguishes that which is vain and useless in this life, and
allows us to head for that which could really make us happy. The Responsorial
Psalm is a prayer in which we ask that we may be taught by God “to number our
days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart”. Wisdom does not merely mean
intellectual brilliance. The sapientia
cordis (wisdom of heart) which the psalmist asks is that which precisely
allows man to head for that which really matters, one that makes man truly
happy: union with God.
This wisdom of heart makes us more
attentive to hear God’s word. In the Scriptures, this is precisely one
characteristic of the wise: they delight in the law of the Lord, and meditate
on his law day and night (cf. Ps 1:2). We encounter the Lord in our reading and
reflection of his word in the Sacred Scriptures. This encounter is done in our
private reading, and also in the public celebration of the liturgy of the
Church, where God’s Word is proclaimed in the assembly. The Year of Faith, which we have just joyfully begun, should push us to
resolve to read the Word of God more often, even daily, and listen to it,
because it is not something that comes to us from the past, but something that
is living and effective, as the
Second Reading, taken from the letter to the Hebrew, tells us. It is a Word
that challenges us whenever we come into contact with it, transforming us,
affecting our way of life in our present circumstance. It is a powerful Word
that cuts through our mediocrity and tepidity, pruning and probing the very
depths of our life, so that we may become truly wise in our struggle to live
according to the truth of God and live as sons and daughters of the light. It
makes us wise and holy. May this Year of Faith allow us to be more familiar
with God’s Word in the scriptures that we read and hear proclaimed in our
wisdom that is found in the reception and meditation of God’s Word leads us to
God, who alone is good, as we hear Jesus declare in the Gospel of today (cf. Mk
10:17-30). In Jesus Christ, the Incarnate
Word of God, we have a teacher who can teach us what true wisdom is, and the
real happiness to which it leads. Jesus is the perfect teacher because He
himself is the Truth, the Wisdom of the ages. True wisdom allows us to realize
that it is important to follow the commandments of God; it impresses upon us
the need to live a life that is morally coherent, one that is lived according
to the Law of God. The Scriptures are clear in saying that true foolishness is
found in the rejection of the Law: the fool is he who does not live according
to the commandments of God.
then, as we would see in the Gospel, living according to the commandments is
not enough for one to be truly wise. Jesus says to the young man—who speaks for
each one of us in our search for that which could truly give meaning into our
lives—that for one to have treasure in heaven, one must go, sell everything one has to the poor, and then come and follow him.
The Gospel records that at these words, the young man’s face fell, and he went
away sad, for he had many possessions. He had the audacity to search for that
which would truly make him happy, but lacked the courage do what it took to
attain it.
of heart and true holiness springs also in following Jesus, imitating him as
his true disciples, and living his life in us. This allows us to view the commandments and the demands of the moral
law not as mere external impositions, but as something that sets us free as
daughters and sons of God. This wisdom of heart that comes also as a fruit
of our daily encounter with Christ in the Scriptures that we read and in the
sacraments that we celebrate, drives us to live to the full the commandment of
love that Christ has enjoined us to live. It
does not leave us indifferent to the plight of our neighbors, of our brothers
and sisters, but pushes us to do good works, both of prayer and service in the
Year of Faith gives us a wonderful opportunity to live in our life these things
that we have pondered upon in our reflection of the Sunday readings: a deeper
familiarity with the Word of God in the Scriptures, a renewed decision to live
a life in intimate union with Christ in prayer and the sacraments, and the
renewed dedication to live the witness of a life lived according to the
commandments, and lived in the service of charity in the community. May our
daily communion with Jesus, Master, Lord and Savior, provide us with the
strength to rise from our mediocrity and tepidity in order to proclaim Him in
whom we have placed our trust in this Year of the Faith. AMEN!
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